Scientific programme > SymposiaWe propose you to consult below the presentations of the symposia. They are presented in alphabetical order of the coordinators' names. Ethical issues in intercultural mediation in language teaching and learning Coordinators: DERIVRY Martine, Université de Bordeaux-INSPE and LIDDICOAT Anthony, University of Warwick Coordinators: LEE HyeSeung and SCARAMUZZO Peter, Texas A&M University Developing a comparative semiotics for educational and linguistic phenomena Coordinators: MALET Régis, IUF/Université de Bordeaux, LACES, INSPE et DERIVRY Martine, Université de Bordeaux, ECOr, LACES, INSPE Cordinator: MALET Régis , Université de Bordeaux / Institut Université de France, LACES Cordinator: RATNAM Tara, Independent researcher and teacher educator, Mysore Cordinator: RATNAM Tara, Independent researcher and teacher educator, Mysore Cordinator: RATNAM Tara, Independent researcher, India Shaping a Profession: Teacher Educators Explore Teaching for Equity and Social Justice Cordinator: RUST Frances, University of Pennsylvania